Unusual Pet Care

Have you considered an unusual pet?

Some species require minimal housing and are great for beginners, whilst other species should be kept only by experienced keepers. There is a huge range of 'unusual pets'. Here are some species you might consider:

  • Reptiles

  • Rabbits

  • Guinea Pigs

  • Ferrets

  • Rats & Mice

  • Amphibians (Frogs, Axolotls)

  • Invertebrates (such as spider, stick insects, hermit crabs)

  • Native Animals kept as pets (licence usually required)

Unusual Pet FAQs

  • Consider a Guinea Pig, Rabbit or a Rat. These small mammals are gentle animals. For reptile enthusiasts we would advise a Bluetongue Lizard or a Bearded Dragon, as it is best to gain experience with species such as these before considering a snake as a pet.

  • We receive many calls about unusual pets - most of which require us to see you and your pet in order to provide appropriate advice. Look over the files and links from this page for general information on unusual pet care.

    Note that a veterinarian needs to physically see an unwell animal in order to provide treatment and dispense medications so if you pet is unwell call us on (03) 9879-0900 to arrange a visit. See About Your Visit for more details on your visit.

Free Care Sheets

6 Week old Ferret Pup

Bearded Dragons are popular as pets

Long haired rabbits like this Cashmere require daily grooming.